Bath Gardens

Re-opening March 2025
Open Days: Sundays from 1:00-4:00 PM or by appointment (48 hour notice needed).
Email appointment needs to [email protected] or leave a message at 706.504.4956.
Professional photography allowed by appointment only.

Requested donation $5.00 per person or $10 per car; dogs on leashes allowed.

3855 Bath Edie Rd., Blythe, GA 30805

Call (706) 504-4956 For Confirmation

Open Days: Sundays 1-4PM, Tuesdays 12-3PM and Wednesdays 1-4 PM. 3855 Bath Edie Rd., Blythe, GA 30805

Call (706) 504-4956 For Confirmation

Holiday Schedule and January 2024 Closing: Bath Gardens will be closed Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24, 2023, New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31, 2023, for the holidays, and will be closed during the month of January 2024 for annual maintenance. Please call us at (706) 504-4956 for any special requests during this time.

An old mansion with a swimming pool in front of it
An icon of two birds


Backgrounds and Summaries
A wavy line
An icon of a flower



Background: Attorney; Lieutenant Colonel (Retired), U.S. Army Judge Advocate Corps; Real Estate Business

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Former Augusta Richmond County Planning Commission: Term Completed March 31, 2023
  • Augusta Woman’s Club: Chair for the Arts Community Service Program and AWC Chaplain
  • Affiliations with the Morris Museum and Greater Augusta Arts Council

Summary: Lorraine is a great fit for Bath Gardens due to her extensive leadership roles throughout the Augusta and CSRA communities; service on numerous boards and committees including Family Promise, Mercy Ministries, the Interfaith Fellowship of Augusta Committee, and the Augusta-CSRA Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Committee; her passion for culture, art, and music; her love of nature; and a reputation for always achieving the goals and objectives she sets out for herself.


Background: Community Volunteer Leader

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Past Regent, Colonial Dames, Augusta, GA
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, Augusta, GA (numerous leadership positions)
  • Active in Local Patriotic, Historic, and Genealogical Activities

Summary: Daphne has an incredible passion for our community’s history, traditional values, and culture, and possesses a finely tuned sense of humility, coupled with a deep reverence and respect for nature. She has served on numerous community boards including the DAR’s Peter Crawford Cemetery Board and the Augusta-CSRA Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Committee; and has had successful grant-writing and fundraising experiences.


Background: Community Volunteer Leader and Advocate

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Georgia Republican Assembly, Membership Committee Chair 2021
  • Columbia County Republican Committee, Former Precinct Chair, and 8th District Chair
  • President, “Annie’s Legacy, Inc.” a domestic non-profit corporation dedicated to providing educators and students of modest means with classroom supplies and holiday meals. Annie’s Legacy is named in honor of her mother, Annie Ruth Page Jones, who raised her family with only a 4th grade education before tragically passing away from breast cancer at age 57.

Summary: Celestine or “CJ” is described, by those who know her best, as a woman of strong moral character, a strong work ethic, and deep love for God – very much like her mother, Annie. CJ has a special passion for outreach, diversity, and affection for disadvantaged individuals, groups, and communities.


Background: Former Nurse at Charlie Norwood VA Center and Scout Leader [Disabled]

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Scout Master, Troop 15, Augusta, Scouts BSA Georgia-Carolina Council (20+ Years)
  • Wood Badge Certification
  • District Award of Merit and Silver Beaver Award

Summary: Reggie is the epitome of “can do” leadership and despite being confined to a wheelchair for more than 30 years, he has never let his physical condition impede or slow him down in any way. He has served magnificently as Troop 15’s Scout Master, touching and positively impacting the lives of hundreds of young men and women. He is a role model for all who know him, young and old alike!


Background: Accounting, Finance, and Credit Management. Certified Public Accountant; Certified Management Accountant; Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Business from Augusta University.

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Member, Georgia Society of CPA’s and American Institute of CPA’s
  • Past Member, Rotary Club of Augusta
  • Member and Past Elder at Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church

Summary: Elliott’s stellar 45-year career in accounting, finance, and credit management make him ideal to oversee the finances and accounting for Bath Gardens. He is a natural fit and a genuine professional.


Summary: Tina Tanner was welcomed to the Board of Directors of Bath Gardens Foundation, Inc. at the June 28, 2024 meeting. Tina brings incredible knowledge and experience to the Bath Garden’s Board as an effective communicator, having operational and financial management and sales experience, as well as business and relationship development accomplishments. Tina has given more than 20 years of active volunteer experience to the Augusta area including the Augusta Woman’s Club, the Iris Garden Club, Golden Harvest Food Bank, Boys and Girls Club, Savannah Riverkeeper, Humane Society, and United Way, to mention a few areas of volunteer service. Tina expresses her commitment to Bath Gardens by saying, “Understanding the Foundation’s goal of self-sustainability, I am committed to actively supporting it through networking, volunteering,[and] social media engagement.”



  • Nandi grew up in India and holds a commercial pilots license.
  • Co-Founder and Director of Operation at Augusta Flight school.
  • Co-Founder, Aero Science International, Inc.
  • Former President of local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 172
  • Current Homebuilt Headquarters Hospitality Chairman at EAA AirVenture National Convention, Oshkosh
  • Successful entrepreneur in the wireless/ECOMM technology industry.


  • Past president and current chairman of the HTS representing the Indian Diaspora in Greater Augusta 
  • Assistant scoutmaster for Boy Scouts Troop 119 in Evans, Georgia. 

Summary: Patriot, volunteer, and servant-leader extraordinaire! This very modest patriot has an abundance of talents including website development and maintenance; operations and coordination; and a deep appreciation for family and community. Nandi Shetty has served on the Bath Gardens Advisory Committee, offering experienced insights, suggestions, and technical support. Nandi grew up in India and is licensed as a Commercial Pilot. As the C0-founder of Aero Science International as well as Co-founder and Director of Operations at Augusta Flight School, Nandi has technical, business, and entrepreneurial experiences. Nandi is the former President of the local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 172 and current Homebuilt Headquarters Hospitality Chairman at EAA AirVenture National Convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Nandi is also a successful entrepreneur in the wireless/ECOMM technology industry. Nandi says Bath Gardens matters because as he says, “While we live in the world of people, sipping lattes from plastic cups, we can talk about the environment. Bath Gardens is a real opportunity for people to feel and connect with the environment.”

A wavy line for the footer of the website
An icon of a bell



Background: Professional Artist and Local Businesswoman (Waynesboro, Georgia)

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • National Golf Club’s official Artist from 1981-1995
  • Past President, Burkeland Garden Club and Former Burke County “Citizen of the Year”
  • Coordinator for Edmund Burke Academy’s field trips to Washington, DC, and New York City
Summary: Katie is a committed environmentalist, educator, and professional artist. She has served on numerous local boards and committees including the Burke County Racial Relations Board and the new Burke County Courthouse Development Committee. Katie’s passion for Bath Gardens and its potential as a future site for Plein Air artistic events and local talent art shows is palpable.


Background: Augusta Woman’s Club, Past President

Memberships and Significant Activities:

  • President, Augusta Council of Garden Clubs
  • Secretary, Iris Garden Club
  • Republican Woman’s Club
Summary: Rita is an incredibly active community leader who currently serves as Chair for the Augusta Woman’s Club Community and Civic Engagement Committee. Additionally she is a Girl Scouts of America volunteer, an Augusta Ironman Committee volunteer, and served on the Augusta-CSRA Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Committee. Rita’s passion for gardening and community service has led her to design and maintain several private and public gardens throughout the CSRA, and she is also an active board member with the Pendleton King Park Foundation.


Background: Augusta Woman’s Club, Immediate Past President
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Augusta Council of Garden Clubs and Vice-President, Iris Garden Club
  • Town and Country Garden Club, 20-Year Member
  • President, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 71, North Augusta, SC
Summary: Joyce has a Ph.D. in Endocrinology, with an emphasis in diabetes research, and is currently an Adjunct Professor with the Culver Vision Discovery Institute of Augusta University. She served as Committee Chair for the Gold Star Family Memorial Marker and Garden Park at Fifth and Reynold Street, Augusta, GA (dedicated in 2022) and the Augusta-CSRA Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Committee (2017-2019). Joyce is a 50-year member of the Girl Scouts of America. Her passion for gardening, history, and architecture recently led her to restore an 1830 farmhouse, located in North Augusta, SC, and its surrounding gardens.


Background: Executive Director, Room in the Inn, Chattanooga, TN

Memberships and Significant Activities:

  • Freelance Writer
  • Chattanooga Audubon Society
  • Tennessee Aquarium Volunteer – Penguin Care
Summary: Taylor is a seasoned fundraising professional with 9 years of experience in marketing, public relations, social media, grant writing, and capitol campaigns. She is committed to empowering girls to reach their full potential and at one time she and her husband considered leaving her home in Tennessee to move to Augusta to work full-time for the Bath Gardens Foundation. Taylor is an invaluable resource for not-for-profit management and fundraising.


Background: Community Engagement Manager, Volunteer Services and Community Engagement Office, Augusta University and AU Health System
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Former Humanities Chair, Georgia Military College, Augusta, GA
  • Published Author, Poet, and Essayist
  • MFA in Creative Writing from Georgia College
Summary: Kristie is working with our Executive Director, Jim Brady, to create partnerships with Augusta University (AU), its students, and the AU Health System with the goal of increasing Bath Gardens’ visibility and volunteer base. Additionally, we hope to position Bath Gardens as an off-campus facility for educational seminars, recreational activities, and the study of wildlife and natural habitats. Kristie is a welcome addition and represents the largest post-secondary institution in the CSRA.


Background: Executive Director, Historic Augusta, Inc.

Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Sons of the American Revolution, COL William Few Chapter, Augusta
  • Rotary Club, Augusta
  • Augusta Genealogical Society
Summary: Erick studied historic preservation at Middle Tennessee State University and has grown Historic Augusta, Inc. into one of the largest and most stable non-profit historic preservation organizations in Georgia and the Southeast. He worked to acquire, restore, and furnish the Boyhood Home of President Woodrow Wilson as a house museum. He has provided extensive research for and written numerous nominations for National Register locations and National Landmarks in Augusta. He is a published author and is the recipient of the Georgia Governor’s Award in the Humanities. Erick’s knowledge of history, the community, and nonprofit management are some of his most valuable assets to Bath Gardens.


Background: Session Member, Bath Presbyterian Church
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Friends of the Blythe Library, Inc., President, and CEO
  • Bath Presbyterian Community Food Pantry
  • Community Leader and Volunteer
Summary: Maurine is a wealth of knowledge for everything Blythe and is a well-regarded and esteemed member of the historic Bath Presbyterian Church. She not only serves on the Bath Gardens Advisory Board but is an original and regularly participating member of the Bath Gardens Volunteer Team who serve as hosts and greeters for the Gardens’ guests on Sunday afternoons from 1-4 pm. Maurine is always willing to assist whenever and however she can and generously gives her time, talent, and wise counsel to any organization that is fortunate enough to have her support.


Background: Home Care Health Specialist, Spouse: Sam “Reggie” Shannon
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Tender Care Training Center, Augusta, GA (Graduate)
  • Scouts BSA, Troop 15 and Georgia-Carolina Council Supporter
  • Co-Director, Building Worship Center Music Ministries, Augusta, GA
Summary: Gigi and Reggie serve as one of our two Foundation’s “husband and wife” leadership teams. Gigi’s special interests are health, nutrition, and outdoor nature therapy which coincide with this team’s mutual interests in outdoor Scouting activities, camping, and nature preservation. Both are great supporters and proponents of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Scouts BSA “Leave No Trace” philosophy.


Background: Co-Founder, Aero Science International, Inc.
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Pilot and Pilot Trainer
  • Market Development Manager, Allover Digital Inc.
  • Internet and Website Development Experience
Summary: Nandi has been a tremendous resource in developing the Foundation’s internet presence; has consistently provided sound advice for growth, marketability, and sustainability; and provides a wide vision for developing Bath Gardens into a popular destination for international visitors.


Background: Vietnam War Veteran, U.S. Army; Commander, American Legion Post 150, Blythe, GA
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Finance Officer, 11th District American Legion
  • Chef de’ Train, 719 Voiture, Society of 40 Men and 8 Horses
  • American Legion Riders
Summary: Joseph and Rebecca serve as the Foundation’s second “husband and wife” leadership team. As a Vietnam War Veteran and Commander of the American Legion’s Post 150, located less than a quarter mile from Bath Gardens, Joseph and Rebecca share nearly identical interests: sharing their faith in God, our Country, and promoting a respect for nature, self-reliance, and the great outdoors.


Background: Financial Consultant
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Fort Gordon Chapter
  • Columbia County Rotary Club, West
  • Field Agent, Knights of Columbus
Summary: Bryan’s years of experience as a Financial Consultant and extensive familiarity with Fort Gordon – Bath Garden’s largest neighbor – as well as the installation’s operations and hierarchy, make him an incredible asset to the Foundation. Bryan’s wife, Amy Tuschen, serves as Executive Director for the Fort Gordon Signal Corps Museum.


Background: UGA Agricultural and Natural Resource Agent for Richmond County
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Columnist for the Augusta Chronicle
  • Exchange Club of Augusta
  • Augusta University, Masters in Public Administration (MPA)
  • University of Georgia, BLA in Landscape Architecture and BS, Agricultural Business and Management.
Summary: Campbell brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and love for agriculture, horticulture, and wildlife to the Bath Gardens Foundation. Not only does Campbell provide resources for landscape management, he also offers design ideas and community resource connections that increase the gardens partners as we grow into a community, state, and regional asset.


Background: Library Media Specialist and Session Member, Bath Presbyterian Church
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Friends of Blythe Library
  • Former Library Media Specialist, Richmond County Board of Education (30 Years)
  • Former Red Cross Volunteer for many years at Eisenhower Medical Center, Fort Gordon, GA
Summary: Ina is a seasoned world-traveler who has been to all seven continents and considers herself to be an “adventure traveler!” Her most memorable travels include safaris in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe; extensive travels throughout the Far East and Egypt; and a 9-day trip to Antarctica in 2006. She is known to her colleagues and friends as a passionate educator, historian, environmentalist, and naturalist. Ina is the type of volunteer who says, “I can’t do much,” and then she does so very much.
A wavy line
An icon of flowers


Rob Mullins (Interim Manager)

Background: Rob earned his Juris Doctorate (concentration in Environmental Law) from the University of Oregon School of Law; Master of Arts in Political Science, Emory University; and Bachelor of Science in Political Science, Presbyterian College.  Rob is admitted to the State Bars of Georgia and South Carolina. He was a partner at Hull Barrett before starting his own law firm, Mullins Law Firm. After 23 years of practicing law, Rob entered Higher Ed. He taught law classes at American Public University and worked his way up to a tenured Associate Professor of Political Science at East Georgia State College. 

Memberships and Significant Activities:

  • Published Author of several local history books and articles. His books include “The Augusta History Reader,” “The Boxing Life of Sidney “Beau Jack” Walker: Two-Time Lightweight Champion,” and “12 Monkeys & a Green Jacket.” His book, “12 Monkeys & a Green Jacket,” was nominated for the Georgia Historical Society’s Hawes Award (2015) and featured on C-SPAN’s Book TV programming (2015). Rob has also published numerous professional journal articles in the areas of environmental law and public procurement.
  • Twice, Rob was honored as the Distinguished Faculty of the Year in Political Science.
  • Rob has served on the Boards of Bath Gardens Foundation, Inc., the Georgia Philological Association, Le Chat Noir, Inc (Chair, 2009 – 2014), the Greater Augusta Arts Council (President, 2007 – 2009), and the Augusta Players.
  • Rob has also served as Chair of the Columbia County Greenspace Committee (2005) and was a former president of the Richmond County Exchange Club (1995 – 1996).

Summary: Rob is a dedicated environmentalist, committed to the preservation of our state and local communities’ natural resources, and has a deep passion for the history of Augusta and the CSRA.

Joe Ference (Property Maintenance Manager)

Summary: Joe began work at Bath Gardens in 2023, not long after moving to this area from the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina. He brought experience ranging from national parks, wildlife rescue, construction and trades, to erosion control. Dogs are quite special to him, so it is no surprise that he and Penny, the resident mascot, have formed a special bond. Joe has a deep passion for nature and says quite often that this is his dream job.

Catherine B. Fleming “Sweetie” (Full Time Volunteer)

Background: BA Emory University: Education, English; MED: Winthrop University: Education, Counseling & Development. Teacher; Historic Savannah Foundation, Inc.; Charlotte Chamber of Commerce; Affairs, Inc. Special Events; Christ Episcopal Church Seeds of Hope Programs; Realtor.
Memberships and Significant Activities:
  • Low Country Colonial Dames; French Quarter Board; Halifax DAR; Huguenot Church Charleston

Summary: Catherine is a “jack of all trades, master of none” who enjoys a challenge. Her passion for the restoration of Bath Gardens stems from her grandfather, Lonnie Boardman’s love of preservation, nature, and beauty. Just as her grandfather was not aware of the challenge ahead of him, Catherine says she has been “knocked to her knees” with the challenge of restoring the garden, she but perseveres thanks to the many people who support the venture with time, talent, and treasure.

A wavy line for the footer of the website
A walkway in a garden

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