Bath Gardens

Open Days: Sundays from 1:00-4:00 PM or by appointment (48 hour notice needed).
Email appointment needs to [email protected] or leave a message at 706.504.4956.
3855 Bath Edie Rd., Blythe, GA 30805.

Call (706) 504-4956 For Confirmation.

Open Days: Sundays 1-4PM, Tuesdays 12-3PM and Wednesdays 1-4 PM. 3855 Bath Edie Rd., Blythe, GA 30805

Call (706) 504-4956 For Confirmation

Holiday Schedule and January 2024 Closing: Bath Gardens will be closed Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24, 2023, New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31, 2023, for the holidays, and will be closed during the month of January 2024 for annual maintenance. Please call us at (706) 504-4956 for any special requests during this time.

A collage of trees and grass in the middle field.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu


Abernathy, Seth Columbus, GA
Abreave, Agnelly Grovetown, GA
Albea, Martha Harlem, GA
AlphaGraphics Martinez, GA
Anderson Photography North Augusta, SC
Anonymous Charleston, SC
Augusta Woman’s Club Augusta, GA
Baker, Tiffany Philadelphia, PA
Barcezy, Helen Greensburg, PA
Barlett, Lorraine Augusta, GA
Barnette, Amanda Evans, GA
Barrett, Patricia Augusta, GA
Beal, William Martinez, GA
Beck, Maryetta Martinez, GA
Bell, Robert Indianapolis, IN
Bernhardt, Nora Hephzibah, GA
Blackmon, Emily Louisville, GA
Boardman, Ann Augusta, GA
Boardman, Clayton P. III Augusta, GA
Boardman, Elizabeth Augusta, GA
Brady, Jim & Dawn Augusta, GA
Braxton, Amanda Mitchell, GA
Brister, Destinia Hephzibah, GA
Broom, Brittany Grovetown, GA
Burkeland Garden Club Waynesboro, GA
Calhoun, Yazmin Augusta, GA
Chaput, Susan Hephzibah, GA
Chapman, Brandie Warner Robins, GA
Connolly, Tommy & Etta Mount Pleasant, SC
Cheatham, Albert Augusta, GA
Cook, Caleb Grovetown, GA
Corley, Florrie Marietta, GA
Corley, James & Caroline Marietta, GA
Corley, Sarah Asheville, NC
CSRA Community Foundation: Elizabeth Boardman Bowring Donor Advised Fund Augusta, GA
Davies, Kaylah Manchester, England
Davis, Joshua Baltimore, MD
Decker, Blain Pacific Grover, CA
Decker, Stephanie North Augusta, SC
DeSoto, Ricardo & Amanda Charlotte, NC
Dunn, Stacey Aiken, SC
Edgil, Kathy Pittsburgh, PA
Eleazer, Elizabeth Charlotte, NC
Elko, Ellen Munhall, PA
Ellington, Erin Sandersville, GA
English Ivy Garden Club Augusta, GA
Evans, Kathy Pittsburgh, PA
Fleming, Catherine Charleston, SC
Fordham, Carline Hephzibah, GA
Garcia, Esther San Antonio, CA
Garner, Katie Waynesboro, GA
Gay, Edgar Augusta, GA
Hamilton, Rita Augusta, GA
Haskell, Joyce North Augusta, SC
Hassan, Gary Grovetown, GA
Hayes, Matthew Augusta, GA
Henkey, Molly Savannah, GA
Herdegen, Richard Grovetown, GA
Hightower, Annette Hephzibah, GA
Hixson, Taylor Chattanooga, TN
Hollifield, James Augusta, GA
Hopson, Daphne Evans, GA
Howard, Jameshia Hephzibah, GA
Howell, Sam & Lavinia Charleston, SC
Ivey, Brett Waynesboro, GA
Izlar, Charles Savannah, GA
Jacobs, Brittany Augusta, GA
James, Celestine Fort Gordon, GA
Jenkins, Jackson Augusta, GA
Jennings, Bryan Augusta, GA
Johnson, Gail Martinez, GA
Johnson, James & Florrie Atlanta, GA
Johnson, Kristie Augusta, GA
Johnson, Nick Birmingham, AL
Johnston, Anne Columbus, GA
King, Jeff Martinez, GA
Knapp, Montie Augusta, GA
Knight, Michael Hephzibah, GA
Lamberth, Angel Hephzibah, GA
Langley, Doran & Marianna Indianapolis, IN
Langley, Harry & Diana Mount Pleasant, PA
Lanier, Troy Augusta, GA
Lawing, Christopher Charlotte, NC
Lawing, Phyllis & Scott Charlotte, NC
Lewis, Gardell Augusta, GA
Lin, Maggie Grovetown, GA
McAleer, Kim & Glynda Charleston, SC
McCoskey, Bryan Grovetown, GA
McLeroy, Jeneen Hephzibah, GA
McNeary, Raymond Augusta, GA
Meldrum, Steve & Carrie Hephzibah, GA
Mercea, Florian & Eileen McKeesport, PA
Middleton, Gretchen Augusta, GA
Miller, Bryson Hephzibah, GA
Mimms, Alex Hephzibah, GA
Mintz, Cole Charlotte, NC
Montgomery, Erick Augusta, GA
Mooney, Amy North Augusta, SC
Moore, Amanda Mitchell, GA
Morris, Misty Tucson, AZ
Motz, Zoe Birmingham, AL
Muir, Ronda Charleston, SC
Mullins, Robert Augusta, GA
Murphy, Laura Birmingham, AL
Neal, Joni Mitchell, GA
Nipper, Amanda Wadley, GA
Palm-Smalley, Aurelia Charlotte, NC
Papez, Joco Prague, Czechoslovakia
Parran, Kyle Grovetown, GA
Pastoric, Terry McKeesport, PA
Pollock, D’Lee Harlem, GA
Ramirez, Jacob Boulder, CO
Resch, Maurine & Daniel Blythe, GA
Reynolds, Merrianne Grovetwon, GA
Rideout, Ed Evans, GA
Roberts, Amber Liberty Borough, PA
Robertson, Catherine Augusta, GA
Robertson, Tom Augusta, GA
Robinson, Irene Philadelphia, PA
Robinson, Lisa Philadelphia, PA
Russell, Savannah Sahuarita, AZ
Sanders, Robert North Augusta, GA
Sanders, Ryan Hephzibah, GA
Savage, Zachary Augusta, GA
Salvia, Cynthia Charlotte, NC
Saxon, Jenny Martinez, GA
Shannon, Reggie & Gigi Augusta, GA
Sheader, Gwendolyn Felton, DE
Sheppard, Dena Wrens, GA
Sherman, Anne Augusta, GA
Shetty, Nandi Martinez, GA
Shores, Joseph & Rebecca Augusta, GA
Simkins, Sarah Augusta, GA
Simpson, Glenn Augusta, GA
Snell, Jane Dye Toccoa, GA
Soric, Dorothy Monessen, PA
Stafford, Zachary Louisville, GA
Stearley, Megan Evans, GA
Tate, Matthew Grovetown, GA
Taylor, Nathan Wellington, New Zealand
Thompson, John Perry, GA
Thompson, Maggie Evans, GA
Torres, Dolores Augusta, GA
Torres, Jacinda Augusta, GA
Torres, Kate Grovetown, GA
Torres, Rosario Augusta, GA
Tripler, Amanda San Jose, CA
Tucker, Joshua Hephzibah, GA
Turner, Natasha Grovetown, GA
Tuschen, Bryan & Amy Martinez, GA
Vaughn, Campbell Augusta, GA
Vincent, Ina Blythe, GA
Vincente, Teri Grovetown, GA
Vincente, Elisa Grovetown, GA
Wagner, Manny Hamburg, Germany
Walston, Nathan Grovetown, GA
Watson, Chris Chicago, IL
Widener, David Cochran, GA
Wieberdink, Melissa Augusta, GA
Williams, Briton & Jenny Lynn North Augusta, SC
Wood Amelia St. Augustine, FL
Woodward, Elliott Evans, GA
Whisnant, Carol Lincolnton, GA
Zosack, Pat McKeesport, PA
Please help us sprout new growth by becoming a donor to Bath Gardens!

Click on the DONOR button at the top of the page or send a check to:
Bath Gardens Foundation, Inc.
209 Seventh Street
Third Floor
Augusta, GA 30901