Bath Gardens

Re-opening March 2025
Open Days: Sundays from 1:00-4:00 PM or by appointment (48 hour notice needed).
Email appointment needs to or leave a message at 706.504.4956.

Requested donation $5.00 per person or $10 per car; dogs on leashes allowed.

3855 Bath Edie Rd., Blythe, GA 30805

Call (706) 504-4956 For Confirmation

Open Days: Sundays 1-4PM, Tuesdays 12-3PM and Wednesdays 1-4 PM. 3855 Bath Edie Rd., Blythe, GA 30805

Call (706) 504-4956 For Confirmation

Holiday Schedule and January 2024 Closing: Bath Gardens will be closed Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24, 2023, New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31, 2023, for the holidays, and will be closed during the month of January 2024 for annual maintenance. Please call us at (706) 504-4956 for any special requests during this time.

An old mansion with a swimming pool in front of it
An icon of two birds

Video: Bath Gardens Foundation, Inc: Exceptional Family Enjoys Bath Gardens

This video features a family of 10 adopted children, enjoying the Opening Events at Bath Gardens while embracing the power of nature. Filled with a fun day in the sun while enjoying a scavenger hunt, hay rides, walks along the trails, this family is a pinnacle example of one of our goals at Bath Gardens. Along with being a premiere location for weddings, school trips, corporate retreats, and movie production, Bath Gardens has the potential to be an attraction for all to enjoy and embrace.
A wavy line
An icon of a bell

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